This is listed in order as seen in the demo reel!
Skeleton AI
I programmed the Skeleton AI, take damage, deal damage, health, stamina. I did not create the art assets or animations.
Player Controller
I programmed the player controller, the health, stamina script, aoe script, take damage, give damage script, and the audio controller. I did not create the art assets or animations.
Resource Popup UI - Trial of Sacrifice
I programmed the popup ui getting the resource information to display, how resources are displayed. I did do the slide in and slide out animations, but other than that, I did not create the art assets.
Keybind Configuration - Trial of Sacrifice
I programmed everything keybind related, the input manager, the saving and loading script. I did not create the art assets.
Virtual Keyboard - Trial of SacrificeI programmed the virtual keyboard, how it displays buttons to the screen. I did not create the art assets.
Dialogue Manager - I programmed the dialogue manager, along with the character cat data that stores what color its textboxes should be. I did not create the art assets.
Dialogue Manager - Trial of Sacrifice
I programmed the dialogue manager, I did not create the art assets, or audio assets.
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