Some of my favourite pieces are:
Skeleton AI - Trial of Sacrifice
I talk about the Skeleton AI in more detail in this blog post
Player Controller - Trial of Sacrifice
Viktor, the main protagonist can kick, quick attack, charge attack, target his opponents, walk, and strafe(while Targeting). There is an acceleration and deceleration when Viktor starts to walk and stops moving, and between footsteps. This helps Viktor feel more grounded and not slidy.
Resource Popup UI
The resource popup UI programming finds the sprite of a given resource, the amount that was given, and the name of the resource. It then displays this to the screen nicely.
Keybind Configuration
The keybind configuration script works with my Input Manager script to find out the proper name of any keycode or axis inputted. Keybind Configuration also lets the Input Manager know how it should parse key up, key down, or key held functions, by storing if the given button enum type(i.e Kick, or Attack) is a keycode or an axis. Saving and Loading takes these presets and saves them accordingly.
Virtual Keyboard - The virtual keyboard displays the QWERTY keyboard as buttons on screen. It allows you to type both on your real keyboard and see it reflect on screen, and or click the buttons on screen in order to type.
Dialogue Manager - Trial of Sacrifice
The Dialogue Manager has two different modes of reading out text, one which is letter by letter, and the other that is word by word. The dialogue manager can also parse button input types into the keybind with special character keys, so “Press $Interact$” -> could become “Press E”! It can also handle dialogue option buttons. It can also play SFX associated with a dialogue line.
Some of my favourite pieces are:
Dialogue Manager - The Dialogue Manager in Catpanion scrolls text across the screen a little bit at a time, character by character. It also stores options data, and uses character data to reflect the textbox and speaker box colours. The Dialogue Manager also handles branching dialogue paths, and dialogue option buttons. It can also play SFX associated with a dialogue line.
Rythmn Game Section - I programmed the rythmn game section, that shows a pressable
button to the screen every interval, stores combo, and points information and updates that info dependant on player action. I also programmed the cinematic camera!
I cannot talk about this project at this time.
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